Coin98 Extension Wallet V5.6 is bubbling up with native Swap, NFT support, and more!

Inspired by user-driven, Coin98 Wallet has released the latest version of the Extension (V5.6) to bring users to a vast range of inventive updates that can make you excited.

Coin98 Extension Wallet V5.6 is bubbling up with native Swap, NFT support, and more!

Quick take:

  • Redesign UI for the home screen.
  • Integrate Uniswap, Sushiswap, Pancakeswap, MDEX BSC,  MDEX HECO, TraderJoe, Pangolin, Quickswap natively on the Extension.
  • Support NFTs display.
  • Combine with more blockchains.
  • Allow showing connected dApps List.
  • Enhance performance.

The Extension hasn't automatically been updated yet? You can handle it easily by yourself now!

Redesign UI for the home screen

Coin98 Extension Wallet is getting a new home screen interface, adding some buttons and features to make it easy-navigated and seamless.

The new design introduces new sections:

  • Tokens: where you can store and manage all assets on over 33 blockchains,
  • NFTs: in which you can store and display NFTs in a neat place,
  • Swap: where you can swap natively on nearly 10 popular DEXs,
  • Connected: where you can know exactly which DApps you have connected with.

Thanks to this new interface, the home screen of the Extension looks better organized and supreme. Plus, vital features are now easier to access from specific sections, making the Extension interface approachable.

Integrate Native Swap

Coin98 Wallet is incredibly grateful for your patience and continued support. It's time for us to release the native swap integration on Coin98 Extension Wallet after a long time since it has dealt with the Mobile App.

The exclusively designed interface leaves a convenient space for users to swap tokens on multiple blockchains, including Uniswap, SushiSwap (Ethereum), PancakeSwap, MDEX (BSC), Trader Joe, Pangolin (Avalanche), MDEX (HECO Chain), QuickSwap (Polygon).

Similar to the Mobile App, the in-wallet Swap gives users the ability to deploy most aspects of the crypto kingdom from the palm of their hands. We unify the DEXs across blockchains in one place to suit every user's needs. Besides Coin98 Mobile Wallet, now we do it better with Coin98 Extension Wallet with an appropriate interface.

Support NFTs display

NFT has changed ways of sharing users' collections and provided a digital room for people to keep their artwork and in-game items in the crypto space. As a burgeoning trend of NFTs, Coin98 Wallet is building up a good position to leverage its foothold to welcome an incoming wave of non-fungible tokens.

Previously, we supported NFTs built on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana on Mobile App with over 10 NFT projects. In Coin98 Extension Wallet V5.6, we're giving users more options in storing NFTs as their demand.

Next, users have a thriving adventure ahead to NFT wonderland with many NFTs and enter the NFT marketplace quickly for exchanges via connecting with Coin98 Extension Wallet.

More blockchains

In sync with Coin98 Mobile Wallet, we have brought more blockchains and Layer-2 blockchains into this version. Boba Network, Arbitrum, Arbitrum on xDai, Optimism, Kucoin Community Chain are now available!

Notably, users can import their multichain wallets to hold over 33 blockchains wallets with just one single passphrase.

Want to know how to update your multichain wallets? Let's read this guide.

List of connected dApps

Despite the hyper-growth of DeFi, it's still quite risky. DeFi users spend several hours every day connecting with various DeFi platforms for using DEXs, farming, staking, adding liquidity, and so on. Sometimes, they should review connected dApps to check their reliability.

Coin98 Wallet adds a connection button to the home screen as the top priority updates to manage and check out all DApps they used to connect. In consequence, users can freely disconnect with specific DApps as they wish. Thanks to that, users can somehow prevent themselves from being hacked or affected by losses by the untrusted DeFi platform.

Enhance performance

After upgrading to version 5.6.0, Coin98 Extension Wallet focuses on not only developing functionalities but also aspects of user experience.

The stability and smoothness of an Extension play a key element in users' journey, and we're secretly working on enhancing users' taste in crypto.

The crypto-verse, with almost full of top-tier blockchains, NFT wonderland, and in-wallet trade zone, are waiting for you to enter for adventure. Are you ready? Install Coin98 Extension Wallet and start now

About Coin98 Wallet

Coin98 Wallet is a non-custodial & NFT wallet used to store, manage, trade, swap multi-chain, multi-source digital assets. It supports the most popular chains, including BTC, ETH, TOMO, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polkadot, Kusama, HECO Chain, Near, Avalanche X-Chain & C-Chain, Binance Chain, Celo, BandChain, Kava, Terra, Cosmos, ThorChain, Fantom, Polygon, Persistence, XDai, Kardiachain, Ronin, GateChain, OKExChain, Klaytn, Boba Network, Arbitrum, Optimism,... Coin98 Wallet has both the Mobile App and the Extension version that act as a gateway, connecting users to the DeFi world.

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