Coin98 Wallet integrates Kucoin Community Chain, accelerating the flow of value around the world

Coin98 Wallet is designed to become the ultimate multichain NFT DeFi wallet. Hence, Coin98 Wallet has recently welcomed KuCoin Community Chain to provide community users with faster, more convenient, and lower-cost experiences to fulfill this mission.

The EVM-verse with nearly full EVM blockchains is consolidated on Coin98 Wallet, and KCC has become the new entrant joining.

Kucoin Community Chain, aka KCC, is a decentralized public chain with high performance, running the consensus algorithm of Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), which is built by the fans of KCS and KuCoin's fan community. KCC orientates to deal with the public chain's low performance and high cost to provide community users with high throughput, low latency, and low-cost gas fees.

Combining KCC's advantages together with the Coin98 Wallet universe with a one-stop DeFi Station for asset management, native swap, and a panoply of DeFi services will offer users more extraordinary experiences than ever. Namely, users can store KuCoin Token (KCS) on the Wallet while taking closer steps to the DeFi wonderland on the KCC ecosystem directly through DApp Browser on the Mobile App, enjoy the benefits of DApps on KCC, and more are waiting for you to explore.

The emergence of KCC on Coin98 Wallet is expected to bootstrap meaningful traction and lead to the same destination where users will gain advantages from scaling solution alternatives. Beyond blockchain integration, we are working on discovering the capabilities of KCC to enhance user experience and drive the mass adoption of DeFi on the globe.

How to create a KCC Wallet on Coin98 Wallet

Before we begin, you need to install or update our Mobile App to the latest version:

We recommend you create a Multi-Chain wallet on Coin98 Wallet to easily manage and get access to all single blockchain wallets with only one single Passphrase.

If you are already a Coin98 Wallet user, you should refresh your multi-chain wallets to get updated with KCC wallet, as well as other integrated blockchains on the latest version automatically. Follow the instructions below.

Your KCC Wallet will instantly display on the home screen. You can also click Manage to check your wallets.

About Coin98 Wallet

Coin98 Wallet is a non-custodial NFT wallet used to store, manage, trade, and swap multi-chain, multi-source digital assets. It supports the most popular chains, including BTC, ETH, TOMO, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polkadot, Kusama, HECO Chain, Near, Avalanche X-Chain & C-Chain, Binance Chain, Celo, BandChain, Kava, Terra, Cosmos, ThorChain, Fantom, Polygon, Persistence, XDai, Kardiachain, Ronin, GateChain, OKExChain, Klaytn, Boba Network, Optimism, Arbitrum,...

Coin98 Wallet has both the Mobile App and the Extension version that act as a gateway, connecting users to the DeFi world.

Download: iOS | Android | Extension

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