Coin98 Wallet October 2021 | Highlights & Milestones

This October marked many outstanding activities and events including new updates, token & DApp supported activities and cooperation with a series of projects. As a month to remember, Coin98 Wallet is increasingly expanding our network in the DeFi space: listing on and Bybit trading platforms, organizing Discord Talk activities, and collaborating with many partners to organize airdrop activity for users and the community.

Let's take a look at the most important events from Coin98 Wallet this past October.

We have a lot of things in our pipeline for November, so get ready for more great things to come to Coin98 Wallet in the next month!

About Coin98 Wallet

Coin98 Wallet is a non-custodial and NFT wallet used to store, manage, trade, and swap multi-chain, multi-source digital assets. It supports the most popular chains, including BTC, ETH, TOMO, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polkadot, Kusama, HECO Chain, Near, Avalanche X-Chain & C-Chain, Binance Chain, Celo, BandChain, Kava, Terra, Cosmos, ThorChain, Fantom, Polygon, Persistence, XDai, Kardiachain, Ronin, GateChain, OKExChain, Klaytn, .... Coin98 Wallet has both the Mobile App and the Extension version that act as a gateway, connecting users to the DeFi world.

Download: iOS | Android | Extension

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