Coin98 Wallet integrates with Terra to build a full-service decentralized parallel economy together

Coin98 Wallet has integrated with Terra, a global, decentralized network of price-stable currencies, to build a full-service decentralized economy for all users worldwide.

Coin98 Wallet is currently the leading multi-chain wallet and DeFi gateway with nearly 300,000 active users around the world. Coin98 Wallet has been seeking numerous promising projects and protocols to offer users the best of DeFi, and Terra (Luna) is one of the next to join our Universe. Terra is not only a viable alternative financial system but also a potential platform with numerous thriving DApps, such as Anchor Protocol or Mirror Protocol.

Coin98 Wallet has released the Ultimate Version X this June, bringing users a wider range of blockchains and multiple UX/UI enhancements for the best trading experience. Terra is one of the 22+ integrated blockchains that Coin98 Wallet version X offers, allowing users to store, send & receive LUNA on both the Coin98 Mobile Wallet and the Coin98 Extension Wallet.

Coin98 Wallet will be supporting Terra on the way to building a stronger alternative financial system. In the future, Coin98 Wallet hopes to work further with all the promising DApps built on Terra, such as Mirror Protocol  or Anchor, bringing users more opportunities to explore DeFi in their own way.

About Terra

Terra is an application-specific blockchain built on the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint consensus.  The Terra protocol deploys a suite of algorithmic, fiat-pegged stablecoins underpinning a thriving DeFi ecosystem like Anchor and Mirror Protocol. LUNA, the native staking and governance asset of Terra, absorbs the short-term volatility of Terra’s stablecoins, with Terra’s stablecoin (e.g., UST) demand a function of demand for Terra’s DeFi ecosystem.

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About Coin98 Wallet

Coin98 Wallet is a non-custodial wallet used to store, manage, trade, swap multi-chain, multi-source digital assets. It supports the most popular chains, including BTC, ETH, TOMO, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polkadot, Kusama, HECO Chain, Near, Avalanche X-Chain & C-Chain, Binance Chain, Celo, BandChain, Kava, Terra, Cosmos, ThorChain, Fantom, Polygon, Persistence. Coin98 Wallet has both the Mobile App and the Extension version that act as a gateway, connecting users to the DeFi world.


iOS | Android | Extension

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